
About Us

About Us

Welcome to Caritas Lugazi

Caritas Lugazi department is the social pastoral arm of the Diocese mandated to design and implement development activities in the Diocese. It aims at improving the social and economic conditions of the people irrespective of their cultures, gender, religious and political affiliations. Major programme activities include sustainable agriculture, health specifically HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, education, micro finance, care for the elderly, orphans and widows, environmental sustainability, income generation, human rights, and advocacy.

All our activities have been implemented in line with the six thematic areas namely: 1. Education, gender and development, 2. Environmental conservation, 3. Agriculture, 4. Water Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash), 5. Good Governance and Human Rights and 6.Organizational/Institutional Development as outlined in the Caritas Lugazi Diocese Strategic plan 2021 - 2026 as well as following external environment i.e. Uganda Vision 2040, NDP III (2020/21 – 2024/25) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report also illustrates the progress of the implemented activities per project in the period of Nine months, achievements, challenges encountered during project implementation.

Caritas Lugazi

Shared Vision

Improved quality of Life for all People of Lugazi Diocese

Shared Mission

To Foster Community Based Initiatives through Promotion of Charity, Solidarity, Social Justice and Reconciliation for integral Human Development in Lugazi Diocese